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Building your website

Helping companies build their websites from scratch or from an existing design, using the best tech available. We also do backend, database and API integrations!

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Trusted by these companies

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We are the web development agency you've been looking for!

Fast execution

We don't hesitate. You pay today, we start tomorrow, and finish before you expect it

Fantastic know-how

With over 5 years of experience in web development, we know exactly what we're doing

The best tech stack

Next.js 14, React, Tailwind and Typescript put you in a future-proof, highly scalable position

Satisfaction promise

We will ensure that your website, domain, email and hosting are covered and fully belong to you

Image of Boris Pöhland

Excellent support

Hi, I'm Boris, the founder of WEB3DEV 👋
I have a Usability background and daily experience with web development, backend and AI.
I will turn your web dreams into reality, you can find out more about me on my personal website.

How can we help?

We can help with everything web related



  • Highly customizable and super fast
  • Latest and future-proof technologies
  • Free hosting on Vercel included, we will set everything up for you

Let's get started

Contact us today and our collaboration will start tomorrow

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